435 E 2nd Avenue. Owasso, OK 74055 USA
The Many Advantages of Self-Administered PBM

Here at FreedomLight Therapy Center we have been enthusiastic from the day we first opened our doors to provide safe and effective treatment for numerous physiological ailments. Beyond that, we also wanted to make them both affordable and easy to access.

When choosing the best equipment to provide photobiomodulation (PBM) treatments, we decided that the best way to keep membership and treatment costs down would be to equip the Center predominantly with PBM equipment that is so easy to use, you don’t need a clinician to administer the treatments.

Your first visit to the Center will involve an appointment with one of our senior members of staff who will show you how to use all the equipment and how to progressively build up the light strength as you get used to the treatments.

So how is this such a good idea?

Well, for a start, you know exactly what areas of your body you want to treat with PBM, so who better to administer it? It makes perfect sense as it avoids the typical ‘guidance’ conversation where you try to get someone else to hit all the right spots.

Beyond this, there is also the question of convenience.

Most of us have pretty hectic schedules and there literally aren’t sufficient hours during the day. Well, unlike many other therapy centers, PBM is available to you 24/7/365 as your membership automatically grants you access to our secure facilities whenever you want it.

Consequently, you have a couple of extra options available to you. First, you can book a late-night or early morning session when you know you will have a little ‘me time’, and you can concentrate solely on yourself. Alternatively, you can simply check the availability of treatments and pop into the Center on a ‘spur-of-the-moment’ impulse. This is especially useful if you are already finding the treatment energizing and rejuvenating, and you feel in need of an impromptu PBM boost.

In addition, you know better than anyone how many or how few PBM treatments you need, and that your requirements can change. Here at the FreedomLight Therapy Center we want you to feel able to adjust the number of treatments you need with the minimum of hassle, which is why booking slots online and self-administering PBM treatments work best.

Finally, there is always that problem of those ‘hard to reach’ areas , but with our ReGen Pod and TheraLight Pod that is no longer a problem and there is nothing better when treating aches and pains while being able to switch off and relax completely.

To find out more about photobiomodulation, FreedomLight Therapy, or if you have any questions you would like answered, either come in to see us at the FreedomLight Therapy Center, 435 E 2nd Ave. Owasso, OK 74055, call us on: (539) 525-5356 or email us at: info@freedomlighttherapy.com

Experience the Rejuvenating and Healing Power of Light Therapy!
FreedomLight Therapy Center
435 E 2nd Ave
Owasso, OK 74055

Call/Text: (539) 525-5356

Hours: Staff On-site Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Members have 24/7 Access

©2024 FreedomLight Therapy Center. All rights reserved.