435 E 2nd Avenue. Owasso, OK 74055 USA
Is Photobiomodulation a New Wound-healing Gimmick?

Is Photobiomodulation a New Wound-healing Gimmick?

The effects of light on healing wounds have been well documented for millennia. However, two factors have been responsible for it only recently becoming a more commonly used treatment.

First, initially, nobody was entirely sure what, exactly, it was in light that had the healing capability. Second, it was only around 50 years ago when the red light from light emitting diodes was identified as being a beneficial form of light.

Now, the term light emitting diode may not be one you are familiar with, yet you will instantly recognise the term in its abbreviated form – LED.

LEDs have made photobiomodulation an affordable treatment for wounds

LEDs are everywhere today, and they are pretty much the most affordable form of lighting available. Not only that, but LED lights seem to last appreciably longer than the old vacuum light bulbs, that’s for sure. However, like any new technology, when the LED which emitted visible red light was first developed in 1962 by Nick Holonyak Jr. (who became known as the father of the LED) when working for General Electric, the cost of one single bulb was astronomic. It has only been in the last ten or so years that the cost has been reduced to an affordable level for most, and consequently how photobiomodulation equipment finally became affordable for businesses like FreedomLight Therapy to be able to offer photobiomodulation wound treatment at an affordable cost.

Adjustable doses of light are now possible with photobiomodulation

When we were kids, one of the things most of us did with a flashlight was put our hand over it and watch it glowing. This wasn’t photobiomodulation as it would have been the wrong form of light – it wasn’t red light. However, what we would have discovered, by accident, is that light penetrates the skin and can go deep into the cells of the body.

This, to a major degree, is one of the key factors for the success of photobiomodulation as you can vary the strength of the red light being emitted by the equipment, and therefore the depth to which the treatment can effectively reach.

Photobiomodulation isn’t just for wounds

Of course, it would be a mistake to think that you needed to have a wound to take advantage of the benefits of photobiomodulation. You would be surprised just how effective it can be for rejuvenating tired muscles, reducing pain, boosting energy and for those of you who like a good workout at the gym, following up a trip to the gym with a trip to FreedomLight Therapy can also help to improve your recovery time.

And the great thing about the equipment used for photobiomodulation treatment is that with our light beds, treatment can be self-administered and as you get used to the treatments, you can increase the power of the light to obtain optimum results.

To find out more about photobiomodulation, FreedomLight Therapy, or if you have any questions you would like answered, either come in to see us at the FreedomLight Therapy Center, 435 E 2nd Ave. Owasso, OK 74055, call us on: (539) 525-5356 or email us at: info@freedomlighttherapy.com

Experience the Rejuvenating and Healing Power of Light Therapy!
FreedomLight Therapy Center
435 E 2nd Ave
Owasso, OK 74055

Call/Text: (539) 525-5356

Hours: Staff On-site Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Members have 24/7 Access

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